How do I make work about where i am when my heart is some place else?


Briony Godivala

How to Make Work About Where I am When My Heart is Someplace Else 2022,

Wooden Box with Plaster Heart and Perspex, 40x30x17cm and Video Piece

How to Make Work About Where I am When My Heart is Someplace Else is a wooden box at ground level, showing my heart buried on site, in the box as well is a QR code to a linking video.

The video linked is taken at Lang Craigs, Dumbarton, where I carry the same bloody heart but I’m wearing a prosthetic rat-like nose – like a New York subway rat, wearing a I <3 NY t-shirt. Where I walk around holding it before burying it in the ground at the place the box is found.

I had just returned to Glasgow to finish my degree and being on exchange in New York. I was struggling to find my feet again and wanted to translate the confusion and feeling on longing, feeling like I belonged somewhere else and moving on. It’s a strange feeling for an absurd video.

Blog research

Filming - Heather S Roberts

Photography - Heather S Roberts

Music - Jacob Raymond